
Before the Military Drill

2023 高雄電影節短片競賽台灣學生獎,2023 金穗獎 評審團特別獎

▎故事簡介 Synopsis


Xiaoyu is a new immigrant from China who married into Taiwan. She must take turns with her younger brother-in-law Alan to care for their hospitalized mother-in-law. Meanwhile, the anti-extradition movement from Hong Kong is still spreading in Taiwan. Alan's absence from the hospital due to a conflict with mainland Chinese students on campus puts more pressure on Xiaoyu. Despite the challenges, Xiaoyu continues to juggle work and family responsibilities. However, a drill to defend against China further isolates Xiaoyu.

▎配樂概念 Music Idea

「演習」作為本片的文眼,在音樂上也以「演習聲」的音色概念出發,以濃厚的類弦樂/合成器聲響為基底接續著演習聲(音效),進而建構片尾音樂。片中段落,以較為靠近(intimate)的鋼琴與薄的合成器 pad 作為輔助角色情緒舒展的音樂。

The "drill" serves as the focal point of this film, and musically, it is approached with the concept of "drill sounds," utilizing a rich palette of string-like synthesizer tones as the foundation, interspersed with drill sound effects, to construct the film's closing music. Throughout the film, segments are accompanied by a blend of intimate piano melodies and subtle synthesizer pads, enhancing the emotional depth of the characters.





主演|湖廣雯 黃聖球 陳幼芬

